Retreat! Retreat!
I woke up hearing a word repeated in my thinking. It wasn’t just a phrase looping in my conscience as I became more coherent. It was a loud whisper from a good Father so I would know how to position myself for the day– all the good and bad.
“RETREAT, RETREAT” were the words that rang out in my mind. They were emphatic and urgent. It was a curious repetition of words, not ones I would normally hear as my eyes opened from a good sleep. Yet, there they were, simple and clear. With the hearing, came a knowing that though the words repeat, the meanings do not. When I heard them again, I heard an urgent command: Don’t retreat! Just retreat!
I believe many of us have been feeling the pressures coming against us. Financial, emotional, and even relational pressures are pressing in towards us and even against us and yet the instruction from the Lord is “Don’t retreat!” Don’t turn around and walk away from the hard things. Don’t assume you can’t keep going in the same direction because there are opposite forces at play. Don’t get discouraged because of the pressure and then give up. God is saying don’t withdraw or move back. Don’t change your decision or plans or attitude because there is opposition or pressure. Remember, God has good plans for you.
Don’t retreat!
We are called to take the offensive posture. We are the ones who are to stand, and keep standing…not back down cowering. We are not cowards. We are the courageous ones who know that though terrors of the night, plagues, arrows, and disease (as Psalms 91 lists it) may come against us– we do not fear.
We do not choose fear, panic, or exhaustion that leads to immobilization. We don’t stop. We don’t back down from obedience to the one who is calling us deeper and higher. The opposition is just “predictable resistance” (like my pastor likes to say). Don’t get overwhelmed and don’t turn and run away.
Just retreat!
Before you get upset or annoyed with me for repeating myself. Realize, there is another definition of that same word. This other definition has to do with quieting our heart, and finding a place of rest. There is respite, safety and dare I say peace for you in the middle of the pressure. When faced with frustration, delays, or depletion, realize there is an answer. The answer is always Jesus!
Retreat into his goodness. Hide yourself under his wings. Realize that He is a strong tower. You can find respite if you retreat into His presence. In fact, Psalms 91 also makes a list of what we can expect from God’s presence. In Him we find protection, provision, peace, shelter, and safety from the pressures and hardships of life.
How many of you want a little respite from the pressure? How many of you would like to feel satisfied instead of depleted, or strong instead of weary? Then this emphatic declaration and urgent command is for you!
Retreat! Retreat!
Don’t retreat, giving up or turning back from what you have been called to do, say, be, or build. Just retreat into the faithfulness of God. Hide yourself in His goodness and He will be the peace in the middle of the storm. He loves to retreat with you, so engage in deeper intimacy.